
The Slingback as one remarkable style in shoes had become fashionable since 1930. It is easy to spot this kind of style in shoes because of its common form. From 1930 up to the present, slingback is one of the best styles in shoes both for casual, semi-casual, and even in formal occasions. Since it is tested and proven, it would be safe to say that in the fashion world, slingback came, conquered one decade after another, and is set to conquer more decades as years roll by.
A pair of shoes can be called a slingback even if it is either open-toed or closed-toed, as long as the heel is exposed, and is secured by a stylish strap with a buckle above the heel around the ankle. This one-strap backless style caters to all casual to dressy events depending on the design of the front part. A Slingback can be in wide array of high-heeled shoes or flat shoes, can be in a form of a sandal or a pump, can come in a form of a weirdest clog, or a sharp- toed winkle picker in its new variation.
Slingback’s continued popularity in the modern times lie in its allowance of the wearer to slip the toe into the shoes, without making major adjustments. The only setback that slingbacks give is the blisters at the back where the strap surrounds. But other than that, everything is quite perfect.
The straps buckle for most slingbacks had also become one of its major attractions. Some shoe designers come up with great strap idea adorned with plastic, metal, or even wooden buckles. Some strap designs prove a come on feature for some slingbacks, while the materials and colors add variety and appeal to this classic style.
Depending on its interest, women can chose among its wide variety of slingback designs. Most high-heeled slingbacks are good complements for a dress worn in an office, while the flat pumps slingbacks are good footwear when going out-of-town. The wider range of slingbacks had significantly caused its popularity among all ages within generations. Notably, almost every woman likes the style and considers the slingback as a good choice, except when looking for a good pair of dancing shoes. There are other styles that are proven to be more secure when dancing and during other vigorous activities, and slingbacks are quite inefficient in this aspect. However, with the new shoe manufacturing technology, it is possible that slingbacks can cater to this women’s need in the future.
Court Shoes are more popular with the term Pumps in the US and other Northern America countries. These Classic women’s shoes are versatile that it is presented in a wider range of designs at present.
Since its inception in the olden times, the court shoes had greatly evolved into something more elegant than that of its peasant-shoe beginning. Unlike the early days when court shoes were still worn by men, today’s fashion had shown much exclusivity to women, as most of today’s designs are heeled. They could come in a form of a kitten heel or stiletto-styled pumps.  The shape and the color though are strongly influenced by the fashion of the time. The heeled fashion in most court shoes started from the fact that when horse-back riding first became popular, women wanted a grip on the heels of their shoes to prevent them from slipping. Later in the 15th century, this heeled fashion had become an indication of opulence which is still prevailing even at present.
Court shoes can be of any material. However, patent leather is a much popular material for most shoes that suits an office attire, and a formal dress over an evening dinner or an out of town getaway. Both formal and informal dresses including trousers, jeans and shorts perfectly match the court shoes. With this stylish versatility, the court shoes had gradually earned its classic distinction.
Women today are most likely investing on a court shoes rather than the other shoe designs, since court shoes are known to detest a fashionable trend. They never ever go out of style. It was notable from the start that a satin vintage-look court shoes or a black suede court shoes can be worn from a corporate setting, to a special occasion in church like weddings and many more, or even on a special evening date. The 1980s Sharon Stone Basic Instinct look on a beautiful court shoes, still lingers as a strong influence for sophistication and sexy appeal.
At the start of the heeled court shoes’ fashion among women, color and fabric were not important, but the shape. A black court shoes can always turn into a leopard printed shoes, a polka-dotted for a spotty trend, or a jeweled luxury shoes with an extra creativeness of the owner. For it is neither the color nor the decoration that matters, but the basic look of the court shoes that truly serves as the defining nature of its timelessness and antiquity.
The Reptile Fashion is one of the most controversial fashions next to the fur-coat that elicited arguments between most fashion enthusiast versus some environmentalists from all regions in the world. Despite some opposing movements from these animal lovers, the reptile fashion still existed since there is no complete ban to legally obtain real exotic reptile leather.
At present, producers can still send legally a considerable amount of reptile skin imported to several shoe manufacturers in Europe and in the United States, two of the world’s largest consumer market for reptile skin material. However, the legal trade of reptile skin is not enough because the reptile fashion is huge and the demand is high. As a result, a thriving illegal trade with the producers of animal skin existed in many South American countries, as well as among the many countries from the Asian Region. Notably, reptile skin trafficking ranks third in the black market trade next to weapon and drugs.
With the insufficient supply of real animal skin for the reptile fashion, some people resorted to other leather collections as a perfect alternative for fashion that demands an exotic look. The variety of embossed leathers captures the look of an exotic reptile without necessarily affecting wild life and the fragile eco-systems. Pseudo-skin of alligator, snake, ostrich, stingray, crocodile and other kinds of animals that are great source of exotic reptile skin have greatly minimized the reptile’s skin trafficking in some major areas. Some of the new players in the fashion industry perfectly understood the implication of such fashion to the world, therefore they tried to shun away from the real reptile skin materials. The cold-blooded shoe fashion has developed responsibly in coherence with the world’s vision of animal preservation.
To note, European countries are the largest importer and manufacturer of reptile skin, while the United States, the center of reptile fashion, a voluminous demand of reptile skin materials exists as well. There is currently a growing dilemma between considering the dangers that reptile fashion bring versus the satisfaction of the growing hunger of the Americans for this fashion.
Exotic and fabulous animal skin collection in shoes, accessories, and other wardrobes are common to celebrities and the elite, who wear them openly in public. It then paved the way to a stronger clamor to shun them for taking part in a criminal activity committed to animals.
However, no matter how serious the environmentalist are of their clamor, there is no denying that reptile fashion in shoes emphasize the need for exquisite materials and superb craftsmanship, in order to create products that will stand the test of time. Unique exotic skin items are considered long-lasting gifts for every special occassion. Some other products that enjoyed the royalty of the reptile skin include bags, belts, wallets, and even jackets , now considered timeless forms of elegance.
It is not very often that you will come across a woman who owns less than ten pairs of shoes. For those that find themselves in that odd position there is usually a very good reason. One such is financial constraints, but there are cases where even with the rent due, and little or no food in the house, a woman will still come back home with a new pair of shoes. It may sound incredible but it’s true. The fact that women love shoes is an open secret. Why this is so no one knows for sure, but a lot of explanations have been proffered over the years. As a result of this love affair with shoes women have a tendency to amass unto themselves large numbers, and have come up with reasons to justify their actions. While not all of them will hold water, or stand up to scrutiny, they do make for good excuses just the same.
One explanation is that women have a special something in their genes and were born to shop. While there is no scientific or empirical evidence to confirm this, based on personal experience one would have to agree. If any renowned women’s shoe store stocking top brands should whisper the word sale, the turnout of women shoppers could create problems for the staff. The women will tell you that an opportunity to come away with a good bargain or two is not one to be missed. Another of the explanations given is that a woman needs a different pair of shoes for different occasions. Although this is not always the case it is still a valid point. Shoes that may be suitable for a party may be entirely inappropriate for the office. And certainly one would not expect to see a bride-to-be coming down the aisle on her wedding day in a pair of galoshes? Another of the reasons given is that different outfits will necessitate different shoes. Again this is quite reasonable, as color and style will come into play when putting together an outing ensemble?

. The shoes must match the bag, or the pants, or blouse, or skirt, or all. Women will tell you also, that the shoe in their closet back home is out of style and they have to get a new one as the current trend dictates. It’s not a trivial case of keeping up with the Joneses, but one can’t be seen wearing 1992 style shoes in 2012. There is the case too where a pair of shoes has done its time and now needs to be retired. It is only natural to expect that it be replaced. Once in a while a woman will buy a pair of shoes totally unintentionally. She may have gone into a store to just look at the price for a blouse or dress, and in passing the shoe section stopped to try on this lovely pair of shoe that caught her eye. It looked so good, felt so wonderful on her feet, and the clerk was so helpful and polite, plus the price was so low she could not let this bargain pass. Oops. Then there is the case of the silly men spending thousands of dollars on their stupid cars and electronic gadgets…. so what if the womenfolk spend a few measly dollars on just a few insignificant pair of shoes?
The bottom line is that when a woman steps out she not only wants to feel comfortable she wants to look good too, or hot, as the case may be. A nice pair of shoes on the feet goes a far way to achieving this. Why begrudge women this tiny bit of pleasure?

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